FAQ & Starting Pricing

What is your starting price?

Our comprehensive wedding packages start at $3,500 and are fully customizable. This flexibility allows you to choose the exact number of hours you need, ensuring our services align perfectly with your unique desires and requirements.

How many hours do I need?

With over 200 weddings captured across six countries and throughout the United States, my extensive experience offers invaluable insights for your special day. We'll schedule a call or a FaceTime session to discuss your wedding details, allowing me to craft a tailored itinerary that maximizes every moment.

How many images will I receive?

I typically deliver around 80-100 curated images per hour of coverage, ensuring each photo highlights the best moments by removing any unflattering or duplicate shots.
Do you use a second photographer?
Yes, I always work with a second photographer. This collaboration allows us to cover multiple angles and locations simultaneously, capturing both photos and videos, and offering a richer variety of shots.

Can we meet up in person?

I believe in building a strong partnership with my clients. Whether it’s over a phone call, FaceTime, or an in-person meeting, I value getting to know you personally. It's important for me to connect not just as your photographer but as a friend who will be part of your wedding day.

Do you travel?

Absolutely! Travel is one of the most exhilarating aspects of my job. I am always excited and grateful for the opportunity to capture beautiful moments, whether near or far.

Should I add video?

The number one regret I often hear is not having a wedding video. Incorporating video alongside photography allows me to capture your day more comprehensively. This combination enhances my ability to tell your story and focus on the emotional highlights of your celebration.

What do you value most about your clients?

By far the most rewarding aspect of this job is the people. The relationships and friendships that evolve from our initial meeting to the wedding day are incredibly fulfilling. Despite different backgrounds and chapters in life, our shared experiences create lasting bonds, written in both of our stories.

How will you make our wedding photography unique?

My experience ensures a smooth, well-managed process. I am committed to making your day as enjoyable as possible because when you're having a great time, I’m having a great time. I bring my extensive repertoire of one-liners and quotes from every comedy movie ever made, along with a speaker to play your favorite playlist. We'll transition from romantic moments with the two of you to a lively party atmosphere with your wedding party.

What’s your approach to directing photos and posing?

I aim to make photo sessions fun and relaxed, steering clear of rigid posing in favor of directing. I use prompts and suggestions to elicit genuine emotions and natural reactions, valuing authentic expressions over perfectly posed photographs every time.

What is your favorite part of the wedding day?

While I cherish the fun moments with the wedding party, the first look or the intimate moments alone with the bride and groom are truly my favorite. These moments are heartfelt and incredibly touching, allowing for some of the most beautiful photographs. I’m documenting your story but also writing pages in mine while we’re together.

What atmosphere during the wedding day allows you to create your best work?

Having adequate time is crucial. It eases stress for both you and your partner, and when you’re relaxed, everything naturally falls into place, allowing us to capture more genuine moments.

What kind of wedding albums do you offer?

Our wedding albums are a significant part of your investment, encapsulating memories that grow more precious over time. Handmade in Italy, our albums are crafted to heirloom quality, designed to be cherished and revisited for generations.
